- Director, Pitt HexAI Research Laboratory
- Interim Director of Scientific Affairs, CPACE
- Director, HexAI Podcast
- Fellow, AMIA
- Head of AI, Youki GmbH
- tafti [dot] ahmad [you know] pitt.edu
- tafti [you know] ieee.org
Ahmad P. Tafti, PhD, FAMIA
I am an Assistant Professor of Health Informatics in the Department of Health Information Management within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, with a secondary appointment in the Intelligent Systems Program (ISP), at the School of Computing and Information. I am leading our research and educational efforts at the Pitt HexAI Research Laboratory, conducting Health and Explainable AI Podcast series. I am also serving as the Interim Director of Scientific Affairs within the Computational Pathology & AI Center of Excellence. Furthermore, I am a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association, and affiliated with the Center for AI Innovation in Medical Imaging (CAIIMI), also serving as an Associate Member at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center. Moreover, I am honored to serve our community as the Vice Chair of IEEE Computer Society at Pittsburgh. I have a deep passion for AI-Powered healthcare informatics and health data science with better patient diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment using large-scale multiple clinical data sources and advanced computational algorithms.
I earned my PhD in Computer Science from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and since then, I have been on a quest to explore and solve problems that are worth it and make the most positive impact on people’s lives. I am indeed passionate about diverse biomedical data sources along with artificial intelligence (AI) methods and their applications in healthcare. I often publish under Ahmad P. Tafti and/or A. P. Tafti. I am the 2021 SiiM Imaging Informatics Innovator awardee, Oracle for Research (Eureka) awardee, University of Pittsburgh CTSI awardee, Pittsburgh Cure Sarcoma, PennAITech, Mayo Clinic Benefactor funded CDAs Orthopedics Career Development awardee, Mayo Clinic Transform the Practice awardee, and GE Healthcare Honorable Mention awardee. To date, I have authored 75+ peer-reviewed publications, organizing numerous workshops on intelligent health systems and I have served on the program committee of 15+ conferences, symposiums, and journals in AI and health data science.
If you are interested in AI Consulting Services and would like to schedule an appointment, then please click here to setup a 30-minutes complimentary Zoom session with me!
- Mar. 2025: I will be giving a talk on "Uncertainty-Aware Explainable AI for Medical Imaging" at the School of information, Florida State University, US.
- Mar. 2025: I will be giving a talk on "Trustworthy AI in Orthopedic Imaging", and I will be exploring collaboration at University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
- Feb. 2025: Our paper on explainable feature engineering in health data science ACM/IEEE CHASE 2025.
- Feb. 2025: We are organizing Pitt AI in Healthcare Research Symposium, US. Please join us!
- Feb. 2025: I am serving as a PC member at Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology, US.
- Feb. 2025: I am honored to provide research mentoring services to three very talented students at RAI for Ukraine at NYU, US.
- Feb. 2025: Our grant application (I am serving as a Co-I) on Knee OA was officially funded by PennAITech, US.
- Feb. 2025: Our fair and explainable ML on cancer survival analysis is now out at International Journal of Medical Informatics.
- Jan. 2025: Our grant application (I am serving as the PI) on AI for Sarcoma was officially funded by Pittsburgh Cure Sarcoma, US.
- Jan. 2025: I am serving in the Organization Committee of REF-AI for Medical Imaging Informatics Workshop, US.
- Jan. 2025: I am serving as the Tutorial Chair(s) at IEEE ICHI 2025, Italy.
Click here to see more news from 2022-2024!
- Oct. 2024: I will give a talk on XAI in Healthcare at WPHIMA.
- Oct. 2024: I am serving as the Tutorial Chair(s) at IEEE ICHI 2025.
- Sep. 2024: I will give a talk on AI Explainability in Healthcare at the WPHIMA. You may want to register here!
- Sep. 2024: I am giving a talk at the CCC Conference organized by OHRP within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Sep. 2024: Our Generative AI in Orthopedics paper has been published by JAMIA.
- Aug. 2024: Our Knee ROM paper has been published at the Journal of Knee Surgery.
- Aug. 2024: I have been appointed to the Journals and Publications Committee for the 2024-2025 term at AMIA.
- Jul. 2024: Our Nature-Scientific Reports paper on Fair AI-powered orthopedic image segmentation is out now.
- Jun. 2024: We are organzing AI Summer School in Medical Imaging Informatics.
- May. 2024: We got two papers accepted at MICCAI 2024.
- Apr. 2024: Serving as a Co-I on a NIH-NIA funded project for healthy againg.
- Feb. 2024: Serving as the session chair of "Advances in Image Classification" at AMIA 2024 Informatics Summit.
- Jan. 2024: Serving as a PC member at AIME 2024, hosted by the University of Utah.
- Dec. 2023: Have a podium abstract accepted at AMIA 2024 Informatics Summit.
- Oct. 2023: Our HexAI-TJAtxt paper/dataset is now published at Data in Brief.
- Sep. 2023: I was awarded Oracle Excellence Eureka Award 2023.
- Sep. 2023: Serving as the Industry Track Chair at IEEE ICHI 2024.
- Sep. 2023: Serving as a Program Committee member at AMIA 2024 Informatics Summit.
- Jul. 2023: Have a work accepted at IEEE BHI 2023.
- Jul. 2023: Have a work accepted at IEEE BHI 2023.
- Jul. 2023: I will serve as a keynote speaker at CSCE 2023.
- Jul. 2023: Have a work accepted at AMIA Annual Symposium 2023.
- Jun. 2023: I am organizing Mini Summer Camp in AI.
- Jun. 2023: I will serve as a keynote speaker at Carnegie Mellon University- K&L Gates Conference in Ethics and AI.
- Apr. 2023: I have been invited as a keynote speaker at Pitt's Orthopaedic Surgery Research Retreat. Please, join us!
- Apr. 2023: I have been invited as a keynote speaker at Responsible AI in the Natural Sciences, organized by the Carnegie Mellon University.
- Apr. 2023: I am serving as a reviewer/referee at AMIA 2023 Annual Symposium.
- Apr. 2023: Two more manuscripts have been accepted at IEEE ICHI 2023.
- Mar. 2023: Pitt HexAI has sumbitted two podium abstracts at AMIA 2023 Annual Symposium.
- Mar. 2023: Our work on explainable deep few-shot learning has been accepted as a full-paper at IEEE ICHI 2023.
- Mar. 2023: We at the Pitt HexAI Lab are delighted and honored to have Prof. Ines Lohse, PhD join us as our Associate Director. Welcome, Ines!
- Mar. 2023: My Pitt HexAI Lab has started launching Health and Explainable AI Podcast series.
- Feb. 2023: My Pitt HexAI lab is happy to participate at the 3rd Annual Deep Learning Workshop presented by The OSCT at Marquette University.
- Feb. 2023: Our work on primary total shoulder arthroplasty has been accepted at MedInfo 2023.
- Jan. 2023: We've sumbitted a manuscript at IEEE ICHI 2023.
- Jan. 2023: We've sumbitted a tutorial at ISVC 2023.
- Jan. 2023: We were awarded Oracle for Research Award. I am serving as the PI. Thank you, Oracle!
- Jan. 2023: We were awarded University of Pittsburgh CTSI Award. I am serving as the PI. Thank you, Pitt CTSI!
- Jan. 2023: Have an accepted workshop on Ethics and Bias of AI in Clinical Applications at IEEE ICHI 2023.
- Nov. 2022: We've sumbitted a student abstract/poster at MedInfo 2023.
- Nov. 2022: Delighted to be inducted into the Fellow of AMIA 2023 (FAMIA).
- Sep. 2022: We've sumbitted an abstract at AMIA 2023 Informatics Summit.
- Aug. 2022: I became an IEEE Senior Member.
- Aug. 2022: I became the Vice Chair of the IEEE Computer Society at Pittsburgh.