MSc Positions
If you are already a MSc student at Pitt, and you would like to either do your Capstone Project with me or join my Pitt HexAI Research Laboratory, then please email me your CV and a brief description of your research interests.
If you are not at Pitt yet, and you are seeking funded MSc positions, then I would like to inform you that I don't have any funding opportunities for MSc applicants.
PhD Positions
While I am always looking for self-motivated PhD students with strong command of AI and medical image analysis, I am recruiting PhD students only from our graduate programs at the University of Pittsburgh. Example includes Intelligent Systems Program, SHRS, School of Computing and Information. Thus, prospective doctoral students should directly apply to the appropriate graduate program at Pitt, and please email me after you get admitted at our graduate programs.
When I was looking for PhD programs, I personally benefited a lot from this guideline by Prof. Mor Harchol-Balter at Carnegie Mellon University.
Interested applicants may also like to take a look at my Pitt HexAI Research Laboratory to learn more about our research activities.
Postdocs and Visiting Scholars
If you are interested in joining my research laboratory as a postdoc or visiting scholar, please email me your CV, a letter of research interests, and funding sources for visiting scholar positions.
For your information, I am now receiving several emails in a weekly-basis. If you do not hear from me in a week, then that somehow means I decide not to move forward. I am really sorry! Also, all information/CV you send me will be kept private.
Interested applicants may also like to take a look at Pitt HexAI Research Laboratory to learn more about our research activities.
Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School Applications
I would be generally happy to write letters in support of applications for graduate schools, scholarships and fellowships, research programs, internships, and positions in academia and industry. Before listing me as a reference for any application, please make sure to contact me first to see if I can provide you with a letter.
Regarding applications for graduate programs, I need you to: (1) successfully completed a research project under my supervision, or (2) completed at least a course with me with a grade of A, or (3) helped as a TA in a course offered by me.